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Why the electoral college?

There is a very good reason that we are a republic instead of a democracy.  It's the only way to make things fair for everyone.  Each state is worth a certain number of electoral votes according to how many representatives they have.  Whichever presidential candidate gets the popular vote of a specific state gets the electoral votes of that state.  This gives every state a say in who the president will be.  If we were a democracy and went with the popular vote as a whole then California, New York, and other states with the most concentrated populations would determine every president.  The people that live in less populated states might as well stay home and not vote.  Presidential candidates that understand how the system works get out and campaign for the electoral votes.  Presidential candidates that don't understand how the system works get out and campaign for the popular vote.  The popular vote overall doesn't mean a thing but the popular vote of each individual state does because that's how they accumulate electoral votes.  John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, George W. Bush, and Donald J. Trump did not win the overall popular vote.  However, they did win the popular vote in the most states gaining them the most electoral votes.  That's what they got out and campaigned for.  Our forefathers set up this system for the very purpose of making it fair for voters in every state, not just the ones with the highest populations. 


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