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Illegal Children of Illegal Parents

     I haven't written in this blog for a long time but I feel it's time because people are losing their minds.  I'd like to start with one very important question: What is your solution of what to do with the children? 

     The options are very limited.  The parents have broken the law and are detained.  Logically, what choices does that leave us with for the children?  Do we send them home with no parents or maybe to live with relatives in their country?  We are feeding them, housing them, and providing people to watch over them.  This is all being done with the taxpayer money of Americans and it's not even being done for Americans.  I would think people would be grateful.  The parents broke the law and got in trouble.  What happens to American kids when this happens?  They are either taken in by relatives or they become a ward of the state.  How is this different?  They are not out on the streets starving and they have adult supervision.  This all seems very reasonable.  Like I said, options are very limited.  Breaking the law has consequences.  If everyone who is complaining about the current situation would take in one child then the problem would work itself out.  Prisons are full of parents who are separated from their children because they made
bad decisions.  We can't turn loose every person who has ever broken the law just because they have children.  They should have thought about that before breaking the law.  This seems like the only viable solution for the moment.

     Again, what is your solution?


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