The racist attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia today have sparked an onslaught of arguments on social media. When I was growing up in the 70's and 80's we were past racism like this. We had moved on from the hate of the 50's and 60's when the KKK and Black Panthers were at their peak. Now, here we go again. This storm started to stir again 4 or 5 years ago. This time with white supremacists and Black Lives Matter. Why? Because people started being offended by everything. Today's protests started because some local governments are trying to destroy American heritage and memorial monuments. I don't mean to sound like an old grandpa but these things didn't happen when I was younger. We didn't agree with everything that happened in American history but it was still history and was to be preserved. I'm a southern boy and proud of my heritage. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't the south that was racist, it was democrats. The republicans were hated for trying to free their slaves. Abraham Lincoln, the first republican president, was murdered for it. The liberal agenda has always been to stir up trouble and conflict. In the 20th Century they created the KKK and in the 21st Century they created BLM. Somewhere in between we all started getting along and they didn't like that. They believe that they can divide and conquer but that didn't work for them in the last election and they don't know how to handle it. Today's protests should have never been turned into a racial conflict. It was supposed to be about preserving American heritage. There's absolutely no reason for this to be racial. It's time to start punishing these hate groups with stricter laws requiring prison time. We have to get rid of hate groups like the KKK, BLM, Skin-Heads, and Black Panthers. Everything is about hate these days and people aren't happy unless they hate something. Hate blacks, hate whites, hate the police, hate our heritage, hate TV shows, hate gays. What would the world be like if we put that much effort into love? It's time for everyone to start getting along and stop having such tender feelings. If you don't like certain monuments, don't look at them and get over it. If you don't like women breastfeeding, don't look and get over it. If you don't like somebody's skin color, get over it. Poke your eyes out and you won't know the difference. If you don't like it because somebody has more money than you, change the way you earn money. Don't hate the people that figured out how to earn it. If you don't like my conservative posts, don't read material from my conservative pages. I'm always gonna say it the way I see it. Political correctness is what caused this mess.
Mickey Moran
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