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5 Questions To Test Your Knowledge Of The Constitution

1. The Constitution gives the _____ branch the ultimate responsibility of interpreting and upholding the Constitution.

A. Legislative
B. Executive
C. Judicial
D. All of the above.

2. Where in the Constitution does the bureaucracy get its power?

A. It doesn't.
B. Article I, Section 10.
C. Second Amendment.
D. The Preamble.

3. Who is ultimately responsible for holding government in check?

A. The President.
B. The Supreme Court.
C. The American People.
D. The Federal Reserve.

4. The Constitution established separate branches of government and the system of "checks and balances" to protect the people from _____.

A. One another.
B. Tyranny
C. Foreign influence.
D. Becoming complacent.

5. The Second Amendment was added so _____.
A. The government could have guns to protect citizens.
B. Guns would be available for people with permits.
C. Citizens could defend themselves against a tyrannical govt.
D. Citizens could protect themselves during Revolutionary War.
Answers: 1. D, 2. A, 3. C, 4. B, 5. C


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