If Allah does not have a son, then he cannot be God. The one true God does have a son, as stated in John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. Allah changes as he wills (surah 2:106), God never changes (James 1:17). Allah is unknowable (surah 6:103), God is knowable (John 17:3). Allah is a DOMINANT master and sovereign (surah 4:78), God is both sovereign and INTIMATE (John 14:8-9). Allah does not become flesh (surah 5:72), God became flesh (John 1:14). Allah is one in mathematical terms (surah 5:73), God is one essence in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:18-19). Allah’s love is conditional (surah 2:190), God’s love is unconditional (Romans 5:8). And Allah is not eager to forgive sinners (surah 4:168-169), while God wants all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (I Timothy 2:3-4).
So if Allah didn’t have a son, doesn’t want an intimate relationship with those who serve him, is unknowable and unforgiving, Allah CANNOT be the same god as the one true God!
We must be careful not to let others deceive us into believing anything different. There is only ONE true God. He is the creator of the universe and the giver of all life. He is the epitome of love and the redeemer of our souls. The one true God, Jehovah speaks to us daily. There is nothing but silence from the false god Allah. We must NOT listen to false prophets who attempt to confuse and muddle our thoughts. So if you hear a Christian leader telling you that Allah and Jehovah God are the same, run!! There is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD!
So who is Allah? Satan is about hate, Allah teaches hate. Satan kills, Allah teaches to kill. Satan tortures, Allah teaches to torture. Satan is about destruction, Allah teaches to cause destruction. Satan hates peace, Allah teaches against peace. Satan hates love, Allah teaches to love only extreme Muslims. Satan forces his will, Allah teaches to force his will. Satan is dark, Allah teaches darkness. Satan shows blasphemy against “Jesus Christ”, Allah teaches blasphemy against Jesus Christ. Allah teaches to have sex with small children, to marry small children, to treat women as a lower species. Allah is not the giver of life, but just the opposite, the taker of life. God says Satan is the great deceiver, Allah brags about being a great deceiver. He is not holy, but teaches followers to kill people, become a martyr and receive 72 virgins to have unlimited sex in heaven. How is that holy?
Now let’s take a look at Jesus: Jesus teaches to love, forgive, be kind, to help others, turn the other cheek, not sin, not commit adultery, not steal, not lie, not murder, not hate, not covet neighbor’s property, not blasphemy God. Jesus is light, giver of life, salvation, redemption, truth, righteousness, holiness, perfection, creator of all. Jesus is clean and pure, unblemished.
Compare the two “Allah” to “Jesus” and you will see that they are completely opposite from one another. One is dark and evil, while the other is light and good. It does not take a brain surgeon to figure this one out.
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